Doesn't read Art-Net in the latest build?

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Doesn't read Art-Net in the latest build?

Post by JBrink » Fri Aug 06, 2021 6:06 am

Running 1.1.7r - and I can't seem to read Art-Net coming from my Nomad console. Checkout the video. I thought it was an ETC problem because I was sure it couldn't be the tester but I downloaded artnetnominator and it's showing it's getting Art-Net but it's not appearing on the IQ Tester. Furthermore, when I plug in the DMX input line I don't see "DMX" light up in green in the top left. Wasn't that the way it was before or was this never a feature. If so this would be great to add so we can see if live DMX is coming in once plugged in.

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Re: Doesn't read Art-Net in the latest build?

Post by Logan » Mon Aug 09, 2021 5:35 am


We are getting our hands on Nomad this week to figure out the issue

Thank you for your patience.

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Re: Doesn't read Art-Net in the latest build?

Post by Logan » Thu Aug 19, 2021 7:23 am


IQ Tester will see Art-Net in 3 scenarios: Directed broadcast (broadcast in subnet), Limited Broadcast (broadcast to, and unicast to IQ tester's IP.

In your video, it appears the device IP address is and subnet mask is with Direct Broadcast selected for Art-Net. That results in a directed broadcast to that particular subnet, IP (the last two octets)

In order to see these packets, you can change the IQ Tester IP address to and subnet mask

Let us know if that helps.

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Re: Doesn't read Art-Net in the latest build?

Post by JBrink » Wed Sep 15, 2021 6:53 am

Sorry missed the notification on this reply.

Thank you! I guess I wasn't in the correct subnet/IP range!

Follow up - why can I see sACN then?

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Re: Doesn't read Art-Net in the latest build?

Post by Rihards » Wed Sep 15, 2021 4:21 pm

sACN is sent through multicast IP addresses. The subnet mask is not used for multicast.
IQ Tester / IQ Two v2.x

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