Something new for 2022?

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Something new for 2022?

Post by JonPlex » Thu May 19, 2022 9:52 am

It's been over a year since the last software update. Whilst not wanting to be loading software frequently, is development still taking place or is that it now?
Are the feature requests we've put on this forum that haven't been implemented yet in progress or not going to happen?
If there is more development going on then please can...
RDM Identify be sorted as it sometimes gets locked on and appears to backload from a fixture and switch on again resulting in needing to reset the fixture.
we have a sort RDM fixtures by address.
we, if possible, have a sort RDM fixtures by physical position on dmx daisy chain. i.e. 1st fixture in line, 2nd fixture in line, etc. (Figuring this should be potentially possible from, for example, a slower response time the further down the chain the fixture is.)
we have a send setting to group of RDM fixtures e.g.s setting mode or reset to defaults.
there be a backload from RDM of the personality size to add to the previously requested fixture finder and a test pattern option from the RDM menu as an enhanced version of RDM identify giving a dynamic change in output without having to create an effect to use for every fixture address.
there be a transmit dmx levels to multiple universes option.

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Re: Something new for 2022?

Post by Rihards » Wed Jun 01, 2022 1:30 pm


The IQ Tester is still in development - the dev team has just been very busy with many different projects.

RDM Identify be sorted as it sometimes gets locked on and appears to backload from a fixture and switch on again resulting in needing to reset the fixture.
How the IQ Tester handles RDM identify:
> The IQ Tester periodically polls the current open RDM device to check if identify is enabled
- The Identify button state is set by the response of the RDM device's Identify state
> Pressing the Identify button will tell the RDM device to stop identifying if its currently in identify mode, or start identifying if it is not.
If the device is giving back incorrect identify state information, then the IQ Tester might not be able to turn Identify on or off.
But closing the current RDM device window should send out a message for all devices on the RDM line to stop identifying. My first guess would be that something is wrong with the RDM device itself if it is not reacting to a global stop identify message, but I will check if the IQ Tester might not send out the global stop identify message in some case.

In any case, because of the problems with Identify and RDM Proxy, we might just separate the Identify toggle button into two ID On and ID Off buttons if no solutions can be found for the current known identify bugs.

Sort RDM fixtures by address
- Will add this to the feature request list

Sort RDM fixtures by physical position on dmx daisy chain
Determining the device order in line is not possible.
- ~100% of RDM devices will have some random unknown variation in their response times, so it is not possible to get reliable response timing information.
- (even with no response time delays or variations, the IQ Tester's CPU is not really fast enough to do better than 15m+-5m of distance resolution based on response time in absolutely perfect conditions)

Send setting to group of RDM fixtures
- This has been a planned feature for a while now. We are still working on how exactly this should be done in the UI. The first iteration of this feature will be a mode/parameter set/reset for all devices in a model group (The grouping that "Sort by Model" uses).

Transmit DMX levels to multiple universes option
- If I understand this right, this should be possible by creating multiple transmitters and setting their source to the same source (for example, multiple transmitters with "Scene 1" as the source - modifying "Scene 1" from any transmitter will modify it for all transmitters [All sources all global - not locked to a specific transmitter])
IQ Tester / IQ Two v2.x

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Joined: Fri Dec 28, 2018 5:42 am

Re: Something new for 2022?

Post by JonPlex » Thu Jul 14, 2022 9:57 am

Very glad to hear the development is continuing, especially as people are still buying because of me!

Sounds good on the RDM identify plans. Sadly it has happened to me with more than one fixture type. Closing the window didn't appear to cause success. I didn't have the issue when using a competitor product on the same system.
The separated on and off could be the way to go.

Understood that the identify time is dependant on many things - the option to manually sort ideally by having option to drag and drop, or typing in a number for each fixture, would help keep track of things and give opportunity to address all fixtures sequentially by list order saving having to enter the number for every fixture.

Multiple universes - Trying to remember the context when I wrote it, maybe just I was thinking a multiple enable/disable option but indeed multiple sources achieves what was written!

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Joined: Sat Jun 26, 2021 11:13 am

Re: Something new for 2022?

Post by kurtiswilk » Sun Feb 05, 2023 12:28 am

Any updates on my thing new.

At LDI they said it would be "soon".

Anything need beta testing?

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